The 9th anniversary of Bitcoin Pizza Day today!

Exactly 9 years ago, on 22 May 2010, a historic event took place. Then, it was a small and only beginning crypto-currency community. One of its first representatives, Laszlo Hanyecz, bought two pizzas at the Papa John’s pizzas restaurant in Jacksonville, Florida, and paid 10,000 BTCs for them.
Bitcoin Pizza Day — 9th Anniversary of the Famous Transaction
Taking into account the current valuation of Bitcoin, the value of the 10,000 BTCs today is nearly $80 million. At that time, these funds were valued at approximately $30. It is assumed that the purchase of Italian pancakes was the first transaction allowing to purchase a “physical good” using a “virtual coin”. To celebrate this day, supporters of cryptocurrencies celebrate today the Bitcoin Pizza Day.
It is worth noting that Hanyecz was not able to use the services of payment processors and systems supporting Bitcoin less than a decade ago. The transaction was “settled” through the Bitcoin Talk discussion forum, and today for its equivalent one could buy a whole pizza service network, not just two boxes of Italian pie.
We should also remind you that at the end of February 2018 Hanyecz repeated his historic achievement. After almost eight years of spending 10,000 Bitcoins at Papa John’s pizzas restaurant in Jacksonville. This time, Hanyecz issued 0.00649 BTC to make the same transaction. The order was to test the Lightning network technology.
On the occasion of today’s anniversary, meetings are also organized in almost the whole countries, during which BTC fans will jointly celebrate the 9th anniversary of Bitcoin Pizza Day.